from typing import Dict, Iterable, List from django.db.models.base import Model from django.db.models.fields import Field from django.db.models.manager import Manager ListOfField = List[Field] Dict class HandoverObjects(object): """ Hand over `ForeignKey`s and `ManyToMany` relations on an `Iterable` of `Model` instances. The instances should come from the same `Model`! """ def __init__(self, objs: Iterable[Model]): self.objs = list(objs) self.model = self.objs[0]._meta.model self.old_pks = [ for x in objs] self.fields = [ x for x in self.model._meta.get_fields() if x.is_relation and x.auto_created and not x.concrete] def _invalidate_caches_on_relation(self, field_name: str): """Invalidate caches on a given relation.""" for obj in self.objs: if not hasattr(obj, '_prefetched_objects_cache') or \ field_name not in obj._prefetched_objects_cache: continue del obj._prefetched_objects_cache[field_name] def _process_one_to_x(self): """ Go through all `ForeignKey` relations and update them to point to `new_pk`. """ fk_fields = [x for x in self.fields if x.one_to_many or x.one_to_one] for field in fk_fields: manager = field.related_model.objects foreign_field_idname = f'{}_id' manager.filter( **{f'{foreign_field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).update( **{foreign_field_idname: self.new_pk}) # related_name = field.related_name or f'{}_set' # from pudb import set_trace # set_trace() # relation_manager = getattr(self.model, related_name) # foreign_field_id_name = f'{}_id' # relation_manager.update(**{foreign_field_id_name: self.new_pk}) self._invalidate_caches_on_relation( def _m2m_remove_existing_dups( self, field_idname: str, other_field_idname: str, manager: Manager): """ Stage 1: Remove the old PKs from the field that already have a relation with the new PK. """ existing_other_ids = manager.filter( **{field_idname: self.new_pk}).values_list( other_field_idname, flat=True) # delete() will trigger execution on existing_other_ids manager.filter(**{ f'{other_field_idname}__in': existing_other_ids, f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).delete() def _m2m_remove_remaining_dups( self, field_idname: str, other_field_idname: str, manager: Manager): """ Stage 2: After deleting the first duplicates, remove the ones that will cause a constraint error later. That is, different old PKs that will be updated to the same new PK, causing the error. """ to_update = manager.filter(**{f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}) pks_to_remove = set() rel_pks = dict() # Dict[int, bool] for rel_obj in to_update: # type: Model other_id = getattr(rel_obj, other_field_idname) if rel_pks.get(other_id): pks_to_remove.add( rel_pks[getattr(rel_obj, other_field_idname)] = True if pks_to_remove: manager.filter(pk__in=pks_to_remove).delete() def _m2m_merge_field(self, field: Field): """Merge a `ManyToMany` relation on a passed field.""" m2m_model = field.through manager = m2m_model.objects field_name = self.model._meta.model_name field_idname = f'{field_name}_id' other_field_name = [ x for x in m2m_model._meta.get_fields() if x.many_to_one and != field_name][0].name other_field_idname = f'{other_field_name}_id' # Delete the old IDs where others existing with new_pk self._m2m_remove_existing_dups( field_idname=field_idname, other_field_idname=other_field_idname, manager=manager) # Look for duplicates on the remaining PKs and remove them if len(self.objs) > 1: # Only necessary when more than 1 objects` relations updated self._m2m_remove_remaining_dups( field_idname=field_idname, other_field_idname=other_field_idname, manager=manager) # Update any remaining to new_pk manager.filter(**{f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).update( **{field_idname: self.new_pk}) def _process_many_to_many(self): """Go through all `ManyToMany` relations and change them.""" fk_fields = [x for x in self.fields if x.many_to_many] for field in fk_fields: self._m2m_merge_field(field=field) field_name = self.model._meta.model_name self._invalidate_caches_on_relation(field_name=field_name) def process(self, new_pk: int): """ Go through all `ForeignKey` relations and update them to point to `new_pk`. @see """ self.new_pk = new_pk self._process_one_to_x() self._process_many_to_many()