from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from optparse import make_option import os import sys import glob import shutil try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set # Python 2.3 fallback class Command(BaseCommand): media_dirs = ['media'] ignore_apps = ['django.contrib.admin'] exclude = ['CVS', '.*', '*~'] option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--media-root', default=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, dest='media_root', metavar='DIR', help="Specifies the root directory in which to collect media files."), make_option('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', help="Do everything except modify the filesystem."), make_option('-d', '--dir', action='append', default=media_dirs, dest='media_dirs', metavar='NAME', help="Specifies the name of the media directory to look for in each app."), make_option('-e', '--exclude', action='append', default=exclude, dest='exclude', metavar='PATTERNS', help="A space-delimited list of glob-style patterns to ignore. Use multiple times to add more."), make_option('-l', '--link', action='store_true', dest='link', help="Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying."), make_option('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', dest='interactive', help="Ask before modifying files and selecting from multiple sources." ) ) help = 'Collect media files from installed apps in a single media directory.' args = '[appname ...]' def handle(self, *app_labels, **options): if not app_labels: app_labels = settings.INSTALLED_APPS media_root = options.get('media_root', settings.MEDIA_ROOT) interactive = options.get('interactive', False) dry_run = options.get('dry_run', False) if dry_run: print "\n DRY RUN! NO FILES WILL BE MODIFIED." # This mapping collects files that may be copied. Keys are what the # file's path relative to `media_root` will be when copied. Values # are a list of 2-tuples containing the the name of the app providing # the file and the file's absolute path. The list will have a length # greater than 1 if multiple apps provide a media file with the same # relative path. media_files = {} for app in app_labels: if app not in self.ignore_apps: for rel_path, abs_path in self.handle_app(app, **options): media_files.setdefault(rel_path, []).append((app, abs_path)) if not media_files: print "\nNo media found." return # Try to copy in some predictable order. destinations = list(media_files) destinations.sort() for destination in destinations: sources = media_files[destination] first_source, other_sources = sources[0], sources[1:] if interactive and other_sources: first_app = first_source[0] app_sources = dict(sources) print "\nThe file %r is provided by multiple apps:" % destination print "\n".join([" %s" % app for (app, source) in sources]) message = "Enter the app that should provide this file [%s]: " % first_app while True: app = raw_input(message) if not app: app, source = first_source break elif app in app_sources: source = app_sources[app] break else: print "The app %r does not provide this file." % app else: app, source = first_source print "\nSelected %r provided by %r." % (destination, app) self.process_file(source, destination, media_root, **options) def handle_app(self, app, **options): if isinstance(app, basestring): app = __import__(app, {}, {}, ['']) media_dirs = options.get('media_dirs') exclude = options.get('exclude') app_root = os.path.dirname(app.__file__) for media_dir in media_dirs: app_media = os.path.join(app_root, media_dir) if os.path.isdir(app_media): prefix_length = len(app_media) + len(os.sep) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(app_media): # Filter `dirs` and `files` based on the exclusion pattern. dirs[:] = self.filter_names(dirs, exclude=exclude) files[:] = self.filter_names(files, exclude=exclude) for filename in files: absolute_path = os.path.join(root, filename) relative_path = absolute_path[prefix_length:] yield (relative_path, absolute_path) def process_file(self, source, destination, root, link=False, **options): dry_run = options.get('dry_run', False) interactive = options.get('interactive', False) destination = os.path.join(root, destination) if not dry_run: # Get permission bits and ownership of `root`. try: root_stat = os.stat(root) except os.error, e: mode = 0777 # Default for `os.makedirs` anyway. uid = gid = None else: mode = root_stat.st_mode uid, gid = root_stat.st_uid, root_stat.st_gid destination_dir = os.path.dirname(destination) try: # Recursively create all the required directories, attempting # to use the same mode as `root`. os.makedirs(destination_dir, mode) except os.error, e: # This probably just means the leaf directory already exists, # but if not, we'll find out when copying or linking anyway. pass else: os.lchown(destination_dir, uid, gid) if link: success = self.link_file(source, destination, interactive, dry_run) else: success = self.copy_file(source, destination, interactive, dry_run) if success and None not in (uid, gid): # Try to use the same ownership as `root`. os.lchown(destination, uid, gid) def copy_file(self, source, destination, interactive=False, dry_run=False): "Attempt to copy `source` to `destination` and return True if successful." if interactive: exists = os.path.exists(destination) or os.path.islink(destination) if exists: print "The file %r already exists." % destination if not self.prompt_overwrite(destination): return False print "Copying %r to %r." % (source, destination) if not dry_run: try: os.remove(destination) except os.error, e: pass shutil.copy2(source, destination) return True return False def link_file(self, source, destination, interactive=False, dry_run=False): "Attempt to link to `source` from `destination` and return True if successful." if sys.platform == 'win32': message = "Linking is not supported by this platform (%s)." raise os.error(message % sys.platform) if interactive: exists = os.path.exists(destination) or os.path.islink(destination) if exists: print "The file %r already exists." % destination if not self.prompt_overwrite(destination): return False if not dry_run: try: os.remove(destination) except os.error, e: pass print "Linking to %r from %r." % (source, destination) if not dry_run: os.symlink(source, destination) return True return False def prompt_overwrite(self, filename, default=True): "Prompt the user to overwrite and return their selection as True or False." yes_values = ['Y'] no_values = ['N'] if default: prompt = "Overwrite? [Y/n]: " yes_values.append('') else: prompt = "Overwrite? [y/N]: " no_values.append('') while True: overwrite = raw_input(prompt).strip().upper() if overwrite in yes_values: return True elif overwrite in no_values: return False else: print "Select 'Y' or 'N'." def filter_names(self, names, exclude=None, func=glob.fnmatch.filter): if exclude is None: exclude = [] elif isinstance(exclude, basestring): exclude = exclude.split() else: exclude = [pattern for patterns in exclude for pattern in patterns.split()] excluded_names = set( [name for pattern in exclude for name in func(names, pattern)] ) return set(names) - excluded_names