from django import template import re from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage register = template.Library() def do_flatpage_root(parser, token): """ This tag creates a queryset containing all the top-level flatpages, adding it to the current context with the given name. This does not include "/", if there is a flatpage with that url. For example:: {% flatpage_root as root %} adds a queryset of flatpages whose url can be matched with ^/[^/]*/$ to the current context, named root. It can then be used:: {% for page in root %} and so forth. """ bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) != 3 or bits[1] != "as": raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected format is 'flatpage_root as name'" % bits[0]) return FlatpageRoot(bits[2]) class FlatpageRoot(template.Node): # this regex is the definition of a top-level flatpage # override in a subclass if you have a different idea! root_regex = r'^/[^/]*/$' def __init__(self, context_name): self.context_name = context_name def render(self, context): context[self.context_name] = FlatPage.objects.filter(url__regex=self.root_regex) return "" register.tag('flatpage_root', do_flatpage_root) def do_flatpage_children(parser, token): """ This tag creates a queryset containing all flatpages below a given root url, adding it to the current context with the given name. A "root url" is any url matched by ^/[^/]*/$. Typically, this would be used to get a list of children of a parent url:: {% flatpage_children "/about/" as children} This adds a queryset of all deeper urls, such as "/about/author/" and "/about/pants/" to the current context, named children. If the url given is "/", the tag doesn't do anything. If the url given is not a root url, for example "/about/pants/", only the root url portion of the argument is used. Thus, "/about/" and "/about/pants/" will return the same result, assuming both those flatpages exist. If the first argument is not in quotes, it is assumed to be in the current context:: {% flatpage_children flatpage.url as children %} This adds a queryset of all urls deeper than the root url of the current flatpage. """ bits = token.contents.split() if len(bits) != 4 or bits[2] != "as": raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("%r expected format is 'flatpage_children URL as name'" % bits[0]) return FlatpageChildren(bits[1], bits[3]) class FlatpageChildren(template.Node): # this regex is the definition of a top-level flatpage # override in a subclass if you have a different idea! # note the difference from root_regex in FlatpageRoot: # the string is allowed to continue past the first slash... root_regex = r'^(/[^/]*?/)' def __init__(self, url, context_name): self.url = url self.context_name = context_name def render(self, context): if self.url[0] in ('"',"'"): if self.url[0] == self.url[-1] and len(self.url) > 3: urlcontent = self.url else: return "" else: urlcontent = template.Variable(self.url).resolve(context) m =, urlcontent) if not m: return "" root = context[self.context_name] = FlatPage.objects.filter( url__gt=root, url__startswith=root ) return "" register.tag('flatpage_children', do_flatpage_children)