from hashlib import md5 from django import template # We call it avatar_url instead of gravatar_url so if we change services in the # future it's just a change of the tag. @register.simple_tag def avatar_url(email, size=50, rating='g', default=None): """ Returns a gravatar url. Example tag usage: {% avatar 80 "g" %} :Parameters: - `email`: the email to send to gravatar. - `size`: optional YxY size for the image. - `rating`: optional rating (g, pg, r, or x) of the image. - `default`: optional default image url or hosted image like wavatar. """ # Verify the rating actually is a rating accepted by gravatar rating = rating.lower() ratings = ['g', 'pg', 'r', 'x'] if rating not in ratings: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('rating must be %s' % ( ", ".join(ratings))) # Create and return the url hash = md5(email).hexdigest() url = '' % ( hash, size, rating) if default: url = "%s&d=%s" % (url, default) return url