/*global $ */ /* Set up a change_form template in: /templates/admin/YOURAPP/YOURMODEL/change_form.html {% extends "admin/templates/admin/change_form.html" %} {% load i18n admin_modify adminmedia %} {% block extrahead %}{{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Example UI playing: ChampsPourLotSansResidenceSeulement = new Array( 'departement', 'cp', 'ville', 'addresse1', 'addresse2', 'secteur', 'quartier', 'ville_diffusion', 'gps' ); ChampsPourLocationSeulement = new Array( 'estimation_cc', 'loyer_hc', 'prov_charges', 'loyer_cc', 'garantie', 'dg_telecommande', 'taux_honoraires_locataire', 'taux_honoraires_proprietaire', 'honoraires_locataire', 'honoraires_proprietaire', 'frais_dossier', 'part_locataire', 'part_proprietaire', 'numero_clef', 'assurance', 'loyer_impayes', 'premiere_occupation', 'premiere_occupation_duree', 'vacance_locative', 'vacance_locative_duree', 'taux_assurance', 'centre_des_impots', 'compagnie_des_eaux', 'bail', 'Compteur', 'Locations', 'Meubles', 'Charges' ); ChampsPourVenteSeulement = new Array( 'droits', 'loi_defisc', 'actabilite', 'estimation', 'prix_net_vendeur', 'honoraires', 'taux_ttc', 'alachargede', 'prix_fai', 'frais_notaire_reduit', 'base_honoraires_commercial', 'notaire_vendeur', 'notaire', 'gestionnaire_existe', 'gestionnaire' ); $(document).ready(function() { $.getScript('/static/js/jpic.js', function() { ui.addConstraint('loi_defisc', 'droits', 'A', jpicFieldValueNotEqual); ui.addConstraint( ChampsPourLocationSeulement, 'vente_location', 'Location', jpicFieldValueEqual ); ui.addConstraint( ChampsPourVenteSeulement, 'vente_location', 'Vente', jpicFieldValueEqual ); ui.addConstraint( ChampsPourLotSansResidenceSeulement, 'residence', '', jpicFieldValueEqual ); ui.addConstraint([ 'actabilite', 'livraison_prevue', 'livraison_prevue_le', 'livraison_realisee_le', ], 'genre', 'Neuf', jpicFieldValueEqual ); ui.addConstraint([ 'chambres', 'etages', ], 'sous_type', [ 'chambre', 'garage', ], jpicFieldValueNotLike ); function maj() { ui.update(); var sous_type = new jpicField('sous_type').getValue(); if (sous_type && sous_type.indexOf('Chambre') >= 0) { $('#id_type_taille').val('1'); } var label = ""; if ($('#id_vente_location').val() == 'Location') { label = "Clause particulières au bail"; } else { label = "Bloc notes"; } $('label[for=id_bloc_notes]').html(label+":") } $('#id_sous_type').change(maj); $('#id_residence').change(maj); $('#id_vente_location').change(maj); $('#id_droits').change(maj); $('#id_genre').change(maj); maj(); jpicTabManager.select('id_mandat'); }); }); */ window.loadFirebugConsole(); // conditions pattern function assert() { var report = ''; for (var i=0; i < this.conditions.length; i++) { if (!this.conditions[i].assert()) { console.log('Assertion '+this.conditions[i].verbose+' #'+ i + '/'+this.conditions.length+' for field '+this.name+' failed'); return false; } report += ', '+this.conditions[i].verbose; } console.log(this.conditions.length + ' assertions verified OK for field '+this.name+report); return true; }; // {{{ field "class" var jpicField = function(name) { this.name = name; this.id = 'id_' + name; this.conditions = []; }; jpicField.prototype.assert = assert; jpicField.prototype.getValue = function() { if ($('#' + this.id).children(':selected')) { var text = $('#' + this.id).children(':selected').text(); if ($('#' + this.id).val()) { this.value = text; } else { this.value = false; } return this.value; } this.value = $('#' + this.id).val(); return this.value; }; jpicField.prototype.show = function() { $('#' + this.id).parent().show(); $('label[for=' + this.id + ']').show(); var row = $('#' + this.id).parent().parent(); var showRow = true; // Don't show the row if any field box is visible row.find('div.field-box:visible').each(function() { showRow = false; }); // Because finding div.field-box:visible sometimes finds field-box as // visible even though they are in a hidden row with // Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv: Gecko/2009030910 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.6 // Which will be imposed. if (!row.is(":visible")) { showRow = true; } if (showRow) { row.show(); } }; jpicField.prototype.hide = function() { $('#' + this.id).parent().hide(); $('label[for=' + this.id + ']').hide(); var row = $('#' + this.id).parent().parent(); var hideRow = true; row.find('div.field-box').each(function() { if($(this).is(":visible")) { hideRow = false; } }); if (hideRow) { row.hide(); } }; var jpicMapField = function(name) { this.name = name; this.id = 'id_' + name; this.conditions = []; }; jpicMapField.prototype.assert = assert; jpicMapField.prototype.hide = function() { $('#' + this.id).parent().hide(); $('label[for=' + this.id + ']').hide(); $('#id_' + this.name + '_admin_map').hide(); }; jpicMapField.prototype.show = function() { $('#' + this.id).parent().show(); $('label[for=' + this.id + ']').show(); $('#id_' + this.name + '_admin_map').show(); }; // }}} // {{{ fieldset/tab var jpicFieldset = function(name, error, id) { this.name = name; this.error = error; if (id == undefined) { this.id = 'id_' + URLify(this.name, 253); } else { this.id = id; } console.log($(this.id)); }; jpicFieldset.factory = function(element) { var name = element.find("h2").html(); if (!name) { return false; } var error = element.find('.errorlist').html(); var fieldset = new jpicFieldset(name, error); element.addClass(fieldset.id); return fieldset; }; jpicFieldset.prototype.getTab = function() { if(this.tab === undefined) { this.tab = new jpicTab(this.name, this.error); } return this.tab; }; // TODO: refactor hide/show jpicFieldset.prototype.show = function() { if (this.stacked) { thisname = this.name $('div.inline-group').each(function() { var name = $(this).find("h2").html(); console.log("testing '"+name+"' against '"+this.name+"'"); if (name == thisname) { $(this).show(); } }); } else { if($('fieldset.'+this.id).parent().hasClass('tabular')) { $('fieldset.'+this.id).parent().parent().show(); } else { $('fieldset.'+this.id).show(); } } }; jpicFieldset.prototype.hide = function() { if (this.stacked) { thisname = this.name $('div.inline-group').each(function() { var name = $(this).find("h2").html(); console.log("testing '"+name+"' against '"+this.name+"'"); if (name == thisname) { $(this).hide(); } }); } else { if($('fieldset.'+this.id).parent().hasClass('tabular')) { $('fieldset.'+this.id).parent().parent().hide(); } else { $('fieldset.'+this.id).hide(); } } }; jpicTab = function(name, error) { this.name = name; this.error = error; this.id = 'id_' + URLify(this.name, 253); this.conditions = []; }; jpicTab.prototype.getHtml = function() { var extra = ''; if (this.error) { extra += 'style="color:red"'; } return ''+this.name+''; }; jpicTab.prototype.assert = assert; jpicTab.prototype.hide = function() { $('a.'+this.id).hide(); }; jpicTab.prototype.show = function() { $('a.'+this.id).show(); }; // sort of singleton var jpicTabManager = new function() { this.fieldsets = []; }; jpicTabManager.addFieldset = function(fieldset) { if (fieldset) { this.fieldsets[fieldset.id] = fieldset; } }; jpicTabManager.parseFieldsets = function() { var first = 0; $("fieldset.module").each(function() { var fieldset = jpicFieldset.factory($(this)); jpicTabManager.addFieldset(fieldset); }); $("div.inline-group").each(function() { var fieldset = jpicFieldset.factory($(this)); fieldset.stacked = true; // will use stacked inline hide/show functions jpicTabManager.addFieldset(fieldset); }); }; jpicTabManager.writeTabs = function(element) { if (element === undefined) { if (String(document.location).toLowerCase().indexOf('popup') < 0) { $(".breadcrumbs").after().html($(".breadcrumbs").html() + '
'); } else { $("h1").html($('h1').html() + '
'); } element = $('#jpic_tab_list'); } var links = []; for(var tabid in this.fieldsets) { var tab = this.fieldsets[tabid].getTab(); links.push(tab.getHtml()); } element.html(links.join('|')); for(var tabid in this.fieldsets) { tab = this.fieldsets[tabid].getTab(); // connect the tab $('a.' + tab.id).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); clslist = $(this).attr('class').split(' '); for (var i in clslist) { if (clslist[i].substr(0, 3) == 'id_') { break; } } jpicTabManager.select(clslist[i]); }); } }; jpicTabManager.select = function(tabid) { for(var curtabid in this.fieldsets) { if (curtabid == tabid) { this.fieldsets[curtabid].show(); $('a.'+tabid).addClass('selected'); } else { this.fieldsets[curtabid].hide(); $('a.'+tabid).removeClass('selected'); } } }; // }}} // {{{ condition objects var jpicFieldValueNotLike = function(field, value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.verb = 'like'; this.verbose = this.field.name + ' ' + this.verb + ' ' + this.value; }; jpicFieldValueNotLike.prototype.assert = function() { var test = new RegExp(this.value, 'gi'); if (test.test(this.field.getValue())) { return false; } else { return true; } }; var jpicFieldValueLike = function(field, value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.verb = 'like'; this.verbose = this.field.name + ' ' + this.verb + ' ' + this.value; }; jpicFieldValueLike.prototype.assert = function() { var test = new RegExp(this.value, 'gi'); if (test.test(this.field.getValue())) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var jpicFieldValueNotEqual = function(field, value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.verb = 'not equal'; this.verbose = this.field.name + ' ' + this.verb + ' ' + this.value; }; jpicFieldValueNotEqual.prototype.assert = function() { if (this.field.getValue() == this.value) { return false; } else { return true; } }; // i should figure how to prototype the constructor when refactoring (later) var jpicFieldValueEqual = function(field, value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.verb = 'equal'; }; jpicFieldValueEqual.prototype.assert = function() { this.verbose = this.field.name + ' (with value: "'+ this.field.getValue() +'") ' + this.verb + ' "' + this.value +'"'; if (this.field.value == this.value) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var jpicFieldValueEqualOrUnset = function(field, value) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.verb = 'unset or equal to'; this.verbose = this.field.name + ' ' + this.verb + ' ' + this.value; }; jpicFieldValueEqualOrUnset.prototype.assert = function() { var value = this.field.getValue(); if (!value) { return true; } if (value == this.value) { return true; } else { return false; } }; // }}} // {{{ ui ui = new function() { this.items = []; jpicTabManager.parseFieldsets(); jpicTabManager.writeTabs(); for(tabid in jpicTabManager.fieldsets) { fieldset = jpicTabManager.fieldsets[tabid]; this.items[fieldset.name] = fieldset.getTab(); } }; ui.update = function() { for(name in this.items) { var item = this.items[name]; var assert = item.assert(); if (assert) { item.show(); } else { item.hide(); } } }; ui.addItem = function(item) { this.items[item.name] = item; }; ui.getItem = function(itemName) { if (this.items[itemName] === undefined) { console.error(this); } return this.items[itemName]; }; ui.addItem = function(item) { this.items[item.name] = item; }; ui.getOrCreateField = function(fieldName) { if (this.items[fieldName] === undefined) { var field = new jpicField(fieldName); this.addItem(field); } return this.getItem(fieldName); }; ui.addConstraint = function(slaves, master, masterValues, conditionFunction) { if(!is_array(slaves)) { slaves = [slaves,]; } if(!is_array(masterValues)) { masterValues = [masterValues,]; } for (var i=0; i