import decimal from django import template from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter register=template.Library() @register.filter def quantize(value,arg=None): """ Takes a float number (23.456) and uses the decimal.quantize to round it to a fixed exponent. This allows you to specify the exponent precision, along with the rounding method. Examples (assuming value="7.325"): {% value|quantize %} -> 7.33 {% value|quantize:".01,ru" %} -> 7.33 (this is the same as the default behavior) {% value|quantize:".01,rd" %} -> 7.32 Available rounding options (taken from the decimal module): ROUND_CEILING (rc), ROUND_DOWN (rd), ROUND_FLOOR (rf), ROUND_HALF_DOWN (rhd), ROUND_HALF_EVEN (rhe), ROUND_HALF_UP (rhu), and ROUND_UP (ru) Arguments cannot have spaces in them. See the decimal module for more info: """ num=decimal.Decimal(str(value)) options=["ru","rf","rd","rhd","rhe","rhu"] precision=None;rounding=None if arg: args=arg.split(",") precision=args[0] rounding=str(args[1]) if not precision: precision=".01" if not rounding: rounding=decimal.ROUND_UP if rounding not in options: rounding=decimal.ROUND_UP if rounding=="ru":rounding=decimal.ROUND_UP elif rounding=="rf": rounding=decimal.ROUND_FLOOR elif rounding=="rd": rounding=decimal.ROUND_DOWN elif rounding=="rhd": rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN elif rounding=="rhe": rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN elif rounding=="rhu": rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP newnum=num.quantize(decimal.Decimal(precision),rounding=rounding) return newnum