import threading import urllib from django.core.servers import basehttp from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler class TestServerThread(threading.Thread): """ Thread for running a http server while tests are running. Taken from: with some modifications to avoid patching django. """ def __init__(self, address, port): self.address = address self.port = port self._started = threading.Event() self._stopped = False self._error = None super(TestServerThread, self).__init__() def start(self): """ Start the server thread and wait for it to be ready """ super(TestServerThread, self).start() self._started.wait() if self._error: raise self._error def stop(self): """ Stop the server """ self._stopped = True # Send an http request to wake the server url = urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%d/fake/request/' % (self.address, self.port)) # Wait for server to finish self.join(5) if self._error: raise self._error def run(self): """ Sets up test server and database and loops over handling http requests. """ try: handler = basehttp.AdminMediaHandler(WSGIHandler()) server_address = (self.address, self.port) httpd = basehttp.WSGIServer(server_address, basehttp.WSGIRequestHandler) httpd.set_app(handler) except basehttp.WSGIServerException, e: self._error = e finally: self._started.set() # Loop until we get a stop event. while not self._stopped: httpd.handle_request()