When using a JavaScript WYSIWYG editor widget for text area content, the resulting HTML should be sanitized so no unallowed HTML tags (esp. script tags) are present.
The BeautifulSoup library handles HTML processing in the solution presented above, so you should place it in the Python path.
The snippet also assumes that you have the Dojo Toolkit and its Editor2 widget loaded on your page.
Note: this snippet was originally written for use with Dojo Toolkit 0.4, and it hasn't been updated for 0.9 or 1.0.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | from django import newforms as forms
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Comment
class Editor2Field(forms.CharField):
widget=forms.widgets.Textarea(attrs={'dojoType': 'Editor2'})
valid_tags = 'p i strong b u a h1 h2 h3 pre br img'.split()
valid_attrs = 'href src'.split()
def clean(self, value):
Cleans non-allowed HTML from the input.
value = super(Editor2Field, self).clean(value)
soup = BeautifulSoup(value)
for comment in soup.findAll(
text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)):
for tag in soup.findAll(True):
if tag.name not in self.valid_tags:
tag.hidden = True
tag.attrs = [(attr, val) for attr, val in tag.attrs
if attr in self.valid_attrs]
return soup.renderContents().decode('utf8')
class TestForm(forms.Form):
title = forms.CharField()
content = Editor2Field()
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Nice snippet!
This is nice, but you should also look into href attributes to make sure they don't contain javascript code.
marcink: Thanks for the heads up. It's obviously a fatal mistake to have left out that check.
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