import os from cgi import escape from cStringIO import StringIO from django.template import loader, Context, RequestContext from django.views.generic.base import TemplateResponseMixin from django.http import HttpResponse def content_to_pdf(content, dest, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): """ Write into *dest* file object the given html *content*. Return True if the operation completed successfully. """ from xhtml2pdf import pisa src = StringIO(content.encode(encoding)) pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(src, dest, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) return not pdf.err def content_to_response(content, filename=None): """ Return a pdf response using given *content*. """ response = HttpResponse(content, mimetype='application/pdf') if filename is not None: response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename return response def render_to_pdf(request, template, context, filename=None, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): """ Render a pdf response using given *request*, *template* and *context*. """ if not isinstance(context, Context): context = RequestContext(request, context) content = loader.render_to_string(template, context) buffer = StringIO() succeed = content_to_pdf(content, buffer, encoding, **kwargs) if succeed: return content_to_response(buffer.getvalue(), filename) return HttpResponse('Errors rendering pdf:
' % escape(content)) class PDFTemplateResponseMixin(TemplateResponseMixin): """ Mixin for Django class based views. Switch normal and pdf template based on request. The switch is made when the request has a particular querydict, e.g.:: The key and value of the querydict can be overridable using *as_view()*. That pdf url will be present in the context as *pdf_url*. For example it is possible to define a view like this:: from django.views.generic import View class MyView(PDFTemplateResponseMixin, View): template_name = 'myapp/myview.html' pdf_filename = 'report.pdf' The pdf generation is automatically done by *xhtml2pdf* using the *myapp/myview_pdf.html* template. Note that the pdf template takes the same context as the normal template. """ pdf_template_name = None pdf_template_name_suffix = '_pdf' pdf_querydict_key = 'format' pdf_querydict_value = 'pdf' pdf_encoding = 'utf-8' pdf_filename = None pdf_url_varname = 'pdf_url' pdf_kwargs = {} def is_pdf(self): value = self.request.REQUEST.get(self.pdf_querydict_key, '') return value.lower() == self.pdf_querydict_value.lower() def _get_pdf_template_name(self, name): base, ext = os.path.splitext(name) return '%s%s%s' % (base, self.pdf_template_name_suffix, ext) def get_pdf_template_names(self): """ If the template name is not given using the class attribute *pdf_template_name*, then it is obtained using normal template names, appending *pdf_template_name_suffix*, e.g.:: path/to/detail.html -> path/to/detail_pdf.html """ if self.pdf_template_name is None: names = super(PDFTemplateResponseMixin, self).get_template_names() return map(self._get_pdf_template_name, names) return [self.pdf_template_name] def get_pdf_filename(self): """ Return the pdf attachment filename. If the filename is None, the pdf will not be an attachment. """ return self.pdf_filename def get_pdf_url(self): """ This method is used to put the pdf url in the context. """ querydict = self.request.GET.copy() querydict[self.pdf_querydict_key] = self.pdf_querydict_value return '%s?%s' % (self.request.path, querydict.urlencode()) def get_pdf_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): return render_to_pdf( request=self.request, template=self.get_pdf_template_names(), context=context, encoding=self.pdf_encoding, filename=self.get_pdf_filename(), **self.pdf_kwargs ) def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): if self.is_pdf(): from django.conf import settings context['STATIC_ROOT'] = settings.STATIC_ROOT return self.get_pdf_response(context, **response_kwargs) context[self.pdf_url_varname] = self.get_pdf_url() return super(PDFTemplateResponseMixin, self).render_to_response( context, **response_kwargs)