#pagination_tags.py try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set from django import template from django.http import Http404 from django.core.paginator import Paginator, InvalidPage from django.conf import settings register = template.Library() DEFAULT_PAGINATION = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PAGINATION', 20) DEFAULT_WINDOW = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_WINDOW', 4) DEFAULT_ORPHANS = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_DEFAULT_ORPHANS', 0) INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404 = getattr(settings,'PAGINATION_INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404', False) CLEAN_URL = getattr(settings, 'PAGINATION_CLEAN_URL', False) def do_autopaginate(parser, token): """ Splits the arguments to the autopaginate tag and formats them correctly. """ split = token.split_contents() as_index = None context_var = None for i, bit in enumerate(split): if bit == 'as': as_index = i break if as_index is not None: try: context_var = split[as_index + 1] except IndexError: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Context variable assignment " + "must take the form of {%% %r object.example_set.all ... as " + "context_var_name %%}" % split[0]) del split[as_index:as_index + 2] if len(split) == 2: return AutoPaginateNode(split[1]) elif len(split) == 3: return AutoPaginateNode(split[1], paginate_by=split[2], context_var=context_var) elif len(split) == 4: try: orphans = int(split[3]) except ValueError: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(u'Got %s, but expected integer.' % split[3]) return AutoPaginateNode(split[1], paginate_by=split[2], orphans=orphans, context_var=context_var) else: raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag takes one required ' + 'argument and one optional argument' % split[0]) class AutoPaginateNode(template.Node): """ Emits the required objects to allow for Digg-style pagination. First, it looks in the current context for the variable specified, and using that object, it emits a simple ``Paginator`` and the current page object into the context names ``paginator`` and ``page_obj``, respectively. It will then replace the variable specified with only the objects for the current page. .. note:: It is recommended to use *{% paginate %}* after using the autopaginate tag. If you choose not to use *{% paginate %}*, make sure to display the list of available pages, or else the application may seem to be buggy. """ def __init__(self, queryset_var, paginate_by=DEFAULT_PAGINATION, orphans=DEFAULT_ORPHANS, context_var=None): self.queryset_var = template.Variable(queryset_var) if isinstance(paginate_by, int): self.paginate_by = paginate_by else: self.paginate_by = template.Variable(paginate_by) self.orphans = orphans self.context_var = context_var def render(self, context): key = self.queryset_var.var value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context) if isinstance(self.paginate_by, int): paginate_by = self.paginate_by else: paginate_by = self.paginate_by.resolve(context) paginator = Paginator(value, paginate_by, self.orphans) try: if CLEAN_URL: try: page = int(context['request'].path.split('/')[-2]) page_obj = paginator.page(page) except ValueError: page_obj = paginator.page(1) else: page_obj = paginator.page(context['request'].page) except InvalidPage: if INVALID_PAGE_RAISES_404: raise Http404('Invalid page requested. If DEBUG were set to ' + 'False, an HTTP 404 page would have been shown instead.') context[key] = [] context['invalid_page'] = True return u'' if self.context_var is not None: context[self.context_var] = page_obj.object_list else: context[key] = page_obj.object_list context['paginator'] = paginator context['page_obj'] = page_obj return u'' def paginate(context, window=DEFAULT_WINDOW, hashtag=''): try: paginator = context['paginator'] page_obj = context['page_obj'] if CLEAN_URL: if page_obj.number == 1 and context['request'].path.split('/')[-2] != '1': current_url = context['request'].path[1:-1] else: current_url = '/'.join(context['request'].path.split('/')[1:-2]) page_range = paginator.page_range # Calculate the record range in the current page for display. records = {'first': 1 + (page_obj.number - 1) * paginator.per_page} records['last'] = records['first'] + paginator.per_page - 1 if records['last'] + paginator.orphans >= paginator.count: records['last'] = paginator.count # First and last are simply the first *n* pages and the last *n* pages, # where *n* is the current window size. first = set(page_range[:window]) last = set(page_range[-window:]) # Now we look around our current page, making sure that we don't wrap # around. current_start = page_obj.number-1-window if current_start < 0: current_start = 0 current_end = page_obj.number-1+window if current_end < 0: current_end = 0 current = set(page_range[current_start:current_end]) pages = [] # If there's no overlap between the first set of pages and the current # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion. if len(first.intersection(current)) == 0: first_list = list(first) first_list.sort() second_list = list(current) second_list.sort() pages.extend(first_list) diff = second_list[0] - first_list[-1] # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the first # set and the first page of the current set, then we're missing a # page. if diff == 2: pages.append(second_list[0] - 1) # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done, # as the pages need no elusion and are correct. elif diff == 1: pass # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list. else: pages.append(None) pages.extend(second_list) else: unioned = list(first.union(current)) unioned.sort() pages.extend(unioned) # If there's no overlap between the current set of pages and the last # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion. if len(current.intersection(last)) == 0: second_list = list(last) second_list.sort() diff = second_list[0] - pages[-1] # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the current # set and the first page of the last set, then we're missing a # page. if diff == 2: pages.append(second_list[0] - 1) # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done, # as the pages need no elusion and are correct. elif diff == 1: pass # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list. else: pages.append(None) pages.extend(second_list) else: differenced = list(last.difference(current)) differenced.sort() pages.extend(differenced) to_return = { 'MEDIA_URL': settings.MEDIA_URL, 'pages': pages, 'records': records, 'page_obj': page_obj, 'paginator': paginator, 'hashtag': hashtag, 'is_paginated': paginator.count > paginator.per_page, } if CLEAN_URL: to_return['current_url'] = current_url if 'request' in context: getvars = context['request'].GET.copy() if 'page' in getvars: del getvars['page'] if len(getvars.keys()) > 0: to_return['getvars'] = "&%s" % getvars.urlencode() else: to_return['getvars'] = '' return to_return except KeyError, AttributeError: return {} if CLEAN_URL: template_path = 'pagination/pagination_clean_url.html' else: template_path = 'pagination/pagination.html' register.inclusion_tag(template_path, takes_context=True)( paginate) register.tag('autopaginate', do_autopaginate) #pagination_clean_url.html {% if is_paginated %} {% load i18n %} {% endif %}