'''Copy django/contrib/admin/templatetags/adminapplist.py to the myapp/templatetags/ directory. say my_adminapplist.py ''' #my_adminapplist.py # under the block if True in perms.values(): import random admin_order = random.randint(100,999) if hasattr(m, '_order'): admin_order = m._order model_list.append({ 'name': force_unicode(capfirst(m._meta.verbose_name_plural)), 'admin_url': u'%s/%s/' % (force_unicode(app_label), m.__name__.lower()), 'perms': perms, 'admin_order':admin_order, }) # and then under model_list block: if model_list: decorated = [(x['admin_order'], x) for x in model_list] # this will sort the code based on admin_order key instead of alphabetical order ''' Most importantly, add a line `_order` in your model file for each Model''' _order = 1 # this is the order in which the models will be ordered.