A MODPYTHON Apache Log Handler
This module provides a logging Handler class to a MODPYTHON Apache server. Python's standard logging API explains how to use a handler.
The handler, by default, writes entries to the Apache error_log using the standard Python logging API.
VIRTUAL HOSTS (Python 2.5)
This handler also supports Apache Virtual Hosts where the mp_server object is available. Then, it writes entries to the specific virtual-host server's error_log.
To get the mp_server object out of Django, you need the log_extras() function in your logging call (See the source comments).
This module must be bound to the Python logging API. Use a site_logging.py module to do that as this related example shows.
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A MODPYTHON Apache Log Handler
This module provides a logging Handler class to a MODPYTHON Apache server.
The handler writes entries to the Apache error_log using the standard
Python logging API.
This logs Exception object e to the Apache error_log at the WARNING level.
VIRTUAL HOSTS (Python 2.5)
This handler supports Apache Virtual Hosts where the mp_server object is available.
Then, it writes entries to the specific virtual-host server's error_log.
The mp_server object is passed in the extra dictionary as the 'server' key
This extra argument is a Python 2.5 feature.
This logs Exception object e to the current virtual-host's Apache error_log
at the ERROR level.
log.error(e.message, extra={ 'server': req.server })
log.error(e.message, extra=log_extras(request))
Apache servers usually accept only log-level WARNING and above.
This handler filters log-levels to suit a common Apache build.
See the Python logging API module for more information.
(C) 2008 Andrew Droffner
License: PSF
from mod_python import apache
import logging
class ApacheLogHandler(logging.Handler):
"""A handler class which sends all logging to Apache."""
def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET):
logging.Handler.__init__(self, level)
"""Map logging levels to Apache codes."""
self.level_mapping = {}
self.level_mapping[logging.ERROR] = apache.APLOG_ERR
self.level_mapping[logging.WARNING] = apache.APLOG_WARNING
self.level_mapping[logging.INFO] = apache.APLOG_INFO
self.level_mapping[logging.DEBUG] = apache.APLOG_DEBUG
def apache_level(self, record):
"""Map current record's logging level to Apache code."""
if record.levelno:
return self.level_mapping[record.levelno]
return self.level_mapping[self.level]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return apache.APLOG_ERR
def emit(self, record):
level = self.apache_level(record)
Set MODPYTHON mp_server object so that vhost logs to its own error_log.
server = record.__dict__['server']
apache.log_error(record.getMessage(), level, server)
except KeyError:
apache.log_error(record.getMessage(), level)
Django Virtual Host Support
Use the Django HttpRequest object to detect the virtual-host.
def django_mp_vhost(request):
Extract the MODPYTHON mp_server object from a Django HttpRequest object.
This depends on the Django/MODPYTHON *internals*, which no user should see!
return request._req.server
def log_extras(request):
logging extras function
This is a public logging extras function.
Users export and call log_extras(request) to get the current virtual-host.
return { 'server': django_mp_vhost(request) }
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