from django.db import models from django.utils.functional import curry class MachineError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class Machine(): def __init__(self, model, states, **kwargs): self.model = model try: initial_state = kwargs.pop('initial') except: raise MachineError("Must give an initial state") self._set_initial_or_retrieve_state(initial_state) self.states = [] self.state_triggers = {} for state in states: if isinstance(state, str): self.states.append(state) elif isinstance(state, dict): state_name = state.keys()[0] self.states.append(state_name) self.state_triggers[state_name] = state[state_name] self.states = tuple(self.states) def _extract_from_state(self, kwargs): try: coming_from = kwargs.pop('from') except KeyError: raise MachineError("Missing 'from'; must transtion from a state") if isinstance(coming_from, str): if coming_from not in self.states and coming_from != '*': raise MachineError("from: '%s' is not a registered state" % coming_from) elif isinstance(coming_from, list): for state in coming_from: if state not in self.states: raise MachineError("from: '%s' is not a registered state" % coming_from) return coming_from def _extract_to_state(self, kwargs): try: going_to = kwargs.pop('to') except KeyError: raise MachineError("Missing 'to'; must transtion to a state") if going_to not in self.states: raise MachineError("to: '%s' is not a registered state" % coming_from) return going_to def _set_initial_or_retrieve_state(self, initial): try: self.state = self._update_state_from_model() except AttributeError: raise MachineError("The model for this state machine needs a state field in the database") if not self.model.state: self.state = self._update_model(initial, False) def _update_state_from_model(self): self.state = self.model.state def _update_model(self, state, save=True): self.model.state = state if save: self.state = self.model.state def end_state(self, **kwargs): self._update_state_from_model() state = kwargs.get('state') from_states = kwargs.get('from_states') from_states = from_states if from_states != "*" else [self.state] if self.state in from_states: if state in self.state_triggers and 'enter' in self.state_triggers[state]: self.state_triggers[state]['enter']() self._update_model(state) return self.state else: raise MachineError("Cannot transition to %s from %s" % (state, self.state)) def is_state(self, state, *args): self._update_state_from_model() return self.state == state def event(self, end_state, transition): coming_from = self._extract_from_state(transition) going_to = self._extract_to_state(transition) is_state = "is_%s" % going_to setattr(self.model, end_state, curry(self.end_state, state=going_to, from_states=coming_from)) setattr(self.model, is_state, curry(self.is_state, going_to)) class Entry(models.Model): state = models.CharField(max_length=200) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Entry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) states = ( 'draft', 'hidden', {'published': {'enter': self.dothing}}, ) self.machine = Machine(self, states, initial='draft') self.machine.event('draft', {'from': '*', 'to': 'draft'}) self.machine.event('publish', {'from': ['draft', 'hidden'], 'to': 'published'}) self.machine.event('hide', {'from': '*', 'to': 'hidden'}) def dothing(self): print "Someone called me" # >>> e=Entry() # >>> e.is_published() # False # >>> e.is_draft() # True # >>> e.publish() # Someone called me # 'published' # >>> e.is_published() # True # >>>