import logging from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin from django.contrib import admin from django.db.models import Model def bind_administration(model_module, admin_module): """ Binds Models with ModelAdmins. model_module is the module name where our Models live. admin_module is the module name where our ModelAdmins live. >>> bind_administration('', '') >>> """ # import both modules mimp = __import__(model_module, fromlist=model_module.split('.')[-1]) imp = __import__(admin_module, fromlist=admin_module.split('.')[-1]) # We will hold a nice mapping to return in case the caller wants to verify admin_mapping = {} # For each item in the admin import for item in dir(imp): # We try/except because issubclass will freak out if item isnt a class try: real_admin = getattr(imp, item) # If item is a subclass of ModelAdmin then do some real work if issubclass(real_admin, ModelAdmin): logging.debug('%s is a subclass of ModelAdmin' % real_admin) # Create a nice mapping model_class_name = item.replace('Admin', '') real_model = getattr(mimp, model_class_name) # Make sure it's actually a Model and not some other item if issubclass(real_model, Model): logging.debug('%s is a subclass of Model' % real_model) admin_class_name = item admin_mapping[model_class_name] = real_admin # And register with admin, real_admin)'Registered %s with %s' % ( model_class_name, admin_class_name)) except TypeError, te: # Not a class, go ahead and pass logging.debug('%s is not a class' % item) return admin_mapping