from PIL import Image from django.db import models class Photo(models.Model): photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='photos') def save(self, size=(200, 200)): """ REQUIRES: 1. 'from PIL import Image' DOES: 1. check to see if the image needs to be resized 2. check how to resize the image based on its aspect ratio 3. resize the image accordingly ABOUT: based loosely on djangosnippet #688 VERSIONS I'M WORKING WITH: Django 1.0 Python 2.5.1 BY: Tanner Netterville """ if not and not return super(Photo, self).save() pw = ph = nw = size[0] nh = size[1] # only do this if the image needs resizing if (pw, ph) != (nw, nh): filename = str( image = pr = float(pw) / float(ph) nr = float(nw) / float(nh) if pr > nr: # photo aspect is wider than destination ratio tw = int(round(nh * pr)) image = image.resize((tw, nh), Image.ANTIALIAS) l = int(round(( tw - nw ) / 2.0)) image = image.crop((l, 0, l + nw, nh)) elif pr < nr: # photo aspect is taller than destination ratio th = int(round(nw / pr)) image = image.resize((nw, th), Image.ANTIALIAS) t = int(round(( th - nh ) / 2.0)) print((0, t, nw, t + nh)) image = image.crop((0, t, nw, t + nh)) else: # photo aspect matches the destination ratio image = image.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)