This code monkey patches soaplib client to allow the usage of django test client for local web service testing (without a running server). It adds basic authentication.
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import httplib
from soaplib import client
from django.test.client import Client as DjangoTestClient
def Client(url, impl, username=None, password=None):
""" soaplib test client
url: protocol://[username:password@]host[:port]/path
impl: soaplib web service description
username: for basic auth
password: for basic auth
Usage example (with django soaplib webservice snippet)
The service (app/
from soaplib_handler import DjangoSoapApp, soapmethod, soap_types
class HelloWorldService(DjangoSoapApp):
__tns__ = '
@soapmethod(soap_types.String, _returns soap_types.String)
def hello(who):
return 'Hello %s!'
hello_world_service = HelloWorldService()
urlpatterns = patterns(
(r'^hello_world/', 'app.views.hello_world_service'),
(r'^hello_world/service.wsdl', 'app.views.hello_world_service'),
Accessing the web service with patched soaplib client
>>> from django_soaplib_client import Client
>>> cl = Client('http://localhost:8000/hello_service/', HelloWorldService())
>>> cl.hello('buddy')
Hello buddy!
>>> cl = Client('http://localhost:8000/hello_service/', HelloWorldService(),
... 'username', 'password') # with authentication
if username:
protocol, rest = url.split('://')
url = '%s://%s:%s@%s' % (protocol, username, password or '', rest)
return client.make_service_client(url, impl)
class FakeHTTPConnection(object):
""" Replacement to root all requests to Django test client.
host is something like: [username:password@]host[:port]
soaplib client may not work with https.
username = ''
password = ''
def __init__(self, host):
""" Initializer.
host:port part is ignored
self._connection = DjangoTestClient()
self._response = None
if '@' in host:
self.username, self.password = host.split('@')[0].split(':')
def request(self, method, path, body=None, headers=None):
""" Route request to Django test client.
method: GET, POST, etc.
path: path part of URL
body: text to send to the host
headers: headers dict: { header_name: (header, value), ...}
extra = {}
if headers:
for key, value in headers.items():
key = 'HTTP_' + key.upper().replace('-', '_')
extra[key] = value
extra['REQUEST_METHOD'] = method
if self.username:
auth = '%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password)
auth = 'Basic %s' % base64.encodestring(auth)
auth = auth.strip()
extra['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = auth
if body:
resp =, body,
content_type='dummy', **extra)
resp = self._connection.get(path, **extra)
self._response = resp
def getresponse(self):
""" Get reponse from Django. """
return FakeHTTPResponse(self._response)
def close(self):
""" Close request and related response object. """
if self._response:
class FakeHTTPResponse(object):
""" Replacement to get response from Django test client. """
def __init__(self, response):
""" Initializer.
response: Django HttpResponse object.
self._response = response
self.status = response.status_code
self.reason = httplib.responses[self.status]
def read(self):
""" Read response body (from Django test client). """
return self._response.content
def getheaders(self):
""" Get response headers. """
return self._response._headers.values()
class httplib_replacement:
""" Replacement for monkey patching httplib.
Web only need HTTPConnection.
HTTPConnection = FakeHTTPConnection
# monkey patch httlib in soaplib client with our fake class
client.httplib = httplib_replacement
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