# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2009 Arthur Furlan # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # On Debian systems, you can find the full text of the license in # /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 # # # Based on the django's default templatetags ifequal and ifnotequal. from django.template import Node, NodeList, Template, Context, Variable from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError, VariableDoesNotExist from django.template import Library import re register = Library() class IfRegexNode(Node): def __init__(self, var1, var2, nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate): self.var1, self.var2 = Variable(var1), Variable(var2) self.nodelist_true, self.nodelist_false = nodelist_true, nodelist_false self.negate = negate def __repr__(self): return "" def render(self, context): try: val1 = self.var1.resolve(context) except VariableDoesNotExist: val1 = None try: val2 = self.var2.resolve(context) except VariableDoesNotExist: val2 = None if (self.negate and not re.match(val1, val2)) or (not self.negate and re.match(val1, val2)): return self.nodelist_true.render(context) return self.nodelist_false.render(context) def do_ifregex(parser, token, negate): bits = list(token.split_contents()) if len(bits) != 3: raise TemplateSyntaxError, "%r takes two arguments" % bits[0] end_tag = 'end' + bits[0] nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', end_tag)) token = parser.next_token() if token.contents == 'else': nodelist_false = parser.parse((end_tag,)) parser.delete_first_token() else: nodelist_false = NodeList() return IfRegexNode(bits[1], bits[2], nodelist_true, nodelist_false, negate) @register.tag def ifregex(parser, token): """ Outputs the contents of the block if the second argument matches the regular expression represented by the first argument. Examples:: {% ifregex "^/comments/" request.path %} ... {% endifregex %} {% ifnotregex "^/comments/" request.path %} ... {% else %} ... {% endifnotregex %} """ return do_ifregex(parser, token, False) @register.tag def ifnotregex(parser, token): """ Outputs the contents of the block if the second argument doesn't match the regular expression represented by the first argument. """ return do_ifregex(parser, token, True)