from django.conf import settings from django.utils.encoding import DjangoUnicodeDecodeError import logging import os.path LOGFILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '../log/custom-error.log') logging.basicConfig( level=logging.NOTSET, format=u'%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'.encode('utf-8'), datefmt=u'%m-%d %H:%M', #change as needed # filename=LOGFILE, filemode='a' ) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.NOTSET) def warning(*arg,**kwargs): logging.warn(*arg,**kwargs) def desactivateDebug(): logging.disable(logging.DEBUG) def activateDebug(): logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class CustomDebug(object): def off(self): desactivateDebug() def on(self): activateDebug() def write(self,prnt): if settings.DEBUG: warning(prnt) debug = CustomDebug() class TypeManager(object): """ @author: Jean Machuca (Dec 16, 2009) """ class EncodingError(Exception): """Especial EncodingError exception. Occurs when an un-existent charset is present in input string """ def __init__(self,*arg,**kwargs): super(TypeManager.EncodingError,self).__init__(*arg,**kwargs) def force_unicode(self,s, strings_only=False, errors='strict'): """ Fix unicode string convertion by tuple charset list Usage: In your, type: AVAILABLE_ENCODINGS = ('ascii','utf-8','latin-1') #for example In this example, the string is attempt to be encoded in ascii format, then, if it fails, is attempt to be encoded in utf-8. For last, if all fails, the latin-1 format is attempt to be encoded. The tuple must be ordered for the minor to major character set. Example: The latin-1 charset contains utf-8 and utf-8 contains ascii, then the tuple is ('ascii','utf-8','latin-1'). If another charset is needed (as well as 'utf-16' that contains 'utf-8' and it's bigger than 'latin-1') then the tuple is ('ascii','utf-8','latin-1','utf-16') When the correct unicode charsets are setted in settings.AVAILABLE_ENCODINGS, your unicode problems are fixed ! Enjoy ! """ u = u'' for encoding in settings.AVAILABLE_ENCODINGS: try: u = force_unicode(s, encoding, strings_only, errors) return u except (DjangoUnicodeDecodeError,UnicodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError),(ex): debug.write( u'Trying to fix encoding problem: %s'%str(ex)) continue class UnicodeFixer(object): """ @author: Jean Machuca (Dec 16, 2009) Django Model Overload for PyAMF encoding fix Usage: In your model: class YourNewModel(UnicodeFixer,models.Model): ... """ def __repr__(self): """ repr() function overloaded. PyAMF unicode problems fixing """ try: typeManager = TypeManager() ret = typeManager.force_unicode(unicode(self)) except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError,UnicodeError), (ex): ret = u'[BAD UNICODE]' raise TypeManager.EncodingError (str(ex)) #Fix all non-converted characters for dumping correctly the string data from encodings import normalize_encoding return normalize_encoding(ret)