from filebrowser.fields import FileBrowseField from filebrowser.views import filebrowser_post_upload import sys, zipfile, os, os.path import shutil class Media(models.Model): #... file = FileBrowseField("File", max_length=200, directory="shells/", blank=True, null=True,help_text="Upload a video/image/swf, zipped slideshow, etc.") #... def post_upload_callback(sender, **kwargs): """ Signal receiver called each time an upload has finished. Triggered by Filebrowser's filebrowser_post_upload signal: . We'll use this to unzip .zip files in place when/if they're uploaded. """ if kwargs['file'].extension == ".zip": # Note: this doesn't test for corrupt zip files. # If encountered, user will get an HTTP Error # and file will remain on the server. # We get returned relative path names from Filebrowser path = kwargs['path'] thefile = kwargs['file'] # Convert file and dir into absolute paths fullpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,thefile.path_relative) dirname = os.path.dirname(fullpath) # Get a real Python file handle on the uploaded file fullpathhandle = open(fullpath, 'r') # Unzip the file, creating subdirectories as needed zfobj = zipfile.ZipFile(fullpathhandle) for name in zfobj.namelist(): if name.endswith('/'): try: # Don't try to create a directory if exists os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirname, name)) except: pass else: outfile = open(os.path.join(dirname, name), 'wb') outfile.write( outfile.close() # Now try and delete the uploaded .zip file and the # stub __MACOSX dir if they exist. try: os.remove(fullpath) except: pass try: osxjunk = os.path.join(dirname,'__MACOSX') shutil.rmtree(osxjunk) except: pass # Signal provided by FileBrowser on every successful upload. filebrowser_post_upload.connect(post_upload_callback)