- Author:
- stephen_mcd
- Posted:
- March 7, 2010
- Language:
- Python
- Version:
- 1.1
- Score:
- 4 (after 4 ratings)
A drop-in chainable manager for providing models with basic search features such as +/- modifiers, quoted exact phrases and ordering by relevance.
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A drop-in chainable manager for providing models with basic search features
such as +/- modifiers, quoted exact phrases and ordering by relevance. Simply
assign the SearchableManager to your model and optionally supply the fields to
search on in either the manager's constructor, as a separate attribute of the
manager's model, or as an argument to the actual search method. If search
fields aren't specified then all char-like fields are used.
Class MyModel(models.Model):
# Some fields to search on.
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField()
# Set up the manager and set the searchable fields. Both methods are
# demonstrated here, as a constructor and as a separate model attrribute
# although only one is required.
objects = SearchableManager(search_fields=("title", "description"))
search_fields = ("title", "description")
# This search query excludes 'how', requires 'cow' and uses 'now brown' as an
# exact phrase. Also shown is the ability to optionally specify the fields to
# use for this search overriding the fields specified above.
MyModel.objects.search('-how "now brown" +cow', search_fields=("title",))
Stephen McDonald <[email protected]>
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
When attributing this work, you must maintain the Credits
paragraph above.
from operator import ior, iand
from string import punctuation
from django.db.models import Manager, Q, CharField, TextField
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
class SearchableQuerySet(QuerySet):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._search_ordered = False
self._search_terms = set()
self._search_fields = set(kwargs.pop("search_fields", []))
super(SearchableQuerySet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def search(self, query, search_fields=None):
Build a queryset matching words in the given search query, treating
quoted terms as exact phrases and taking into account + and - symbols as
modifiers controlling which terms to require and exclude.
# Use fields arg if given, otherwise check internal list which if empty,
# populate from model attr or char-like fields.
if search_fields is None:
search_fields = self._search_fields
if len(search_fields) == 0:
search_fields = getattr(self.model, "search_fields", [])
if len(search_fields) == 0:
search_fields = [f.name for f in self.model._meta.fields
if issubclass(f.__class__, CharField) or
issubclass(f.__class__, TextField)]
if len(search_fields) == 0:
return self.none()
# Remove extra spaces, put modifiers inside quoted terms.
terms = " ".join(query.split()).replace("+ ", "+").replace('+"', '"+'
).replace("- ", "-").replace('-"', '"-').split('"')
# Strip punctuation other than modifiers from terms and create term
# list first from quoted terms, and then remaining words.
terms = [("" if t[0] not in "+-" else t[0]) + t.strip(punctuation)
for t in terms[1::2] + "".join(terms[::2]).split()]
# Append terms to internal list for sorting when results are iterated.
for t in terms if t[0] != "-"])
# Create the queryset combining each set of terms.
excluded = [reduce(iand, [~Q(**{"%s__icontains" % f: t[1:]})
for f in search_fields]) for t in terms if t[0] == "-"]
required = [reduce(ior, [Q(**{"%s__icontains" % f: t[1:]})
for f in search_fields]) for t in terms if t[0] == "+"]
optional = [reduce(ior, [Q(**{"%s__icontains" % f: t})
for f in search_fields]) for t in terms if t[0] not in "+-"]
queryset = self
if excluded:
queryset = queryset.filter(reduce(iand, excluded))
if required:
queryset = queryset.filter(reduce(iand, required))
# Optional terms aren't relevant to the filter if there are terms
# that are explicitly required
elif optional:
queryset = queryset.filter(reduce(ior, optional))
return queryset
def _clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ensure attributes are copied to subsequent queries.
for attr in ("_search_terms", "_search_fields", "_search_ordered"):
kwargs[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
return super(SearchableQuerySet, self)._clone(*args, **kwargs)
def order_by(self, *field_names):
Mark the filter as being ordered if search has occurred.
if not self._search_ordered:
self._search_ordered = len(self._search_terms) > 0
return super(SearchableQuerySet, self).order_by(*field_names)
def iterator(self):
If search has occured and no ordering has occurred, sort the results by
number of occurrences of terms.
results = super(SearchableQuerySet, self).iterator()
if self._search_terms and not self._search_ordered:
sort_key = lambda obj: sum([getattr(obj, f).lower().count(t.lower())
for f in self._search_fields for t in self._search_terms
if getattr(obj, f)])
return iter(sorted(results, key=sort_key, reverse=True))
return results
class SearchableManager(Manager):
Manager providing a chainable queryset.
Adapted from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/562/
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._search_fields = kwargs.pop("search_fields", [])
super(SearchableManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_query_set(self):
return SearchableQuerySet(self.model, search_fields=self._search_fields)
def __getattr__(self, attr, *args):
return getattr(self.__class__, attr, *args)
except AttributeError:
return getattr(self.get_query_set(), attr, *args)
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