import random from django.http import HttpResponse class SidebandCoverTrafficMiddleware(object): """ HTTP traffic (even under SSL) can be observed for information leakage based on response lengths; this is more important with AJAX providing many small requests. See A mitigation is to add some padding to responses to obscure the original lengths. """ SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES = ( 'text/*', ) SUPPORTED_STATUSES = ( 200, ) EXTRA_PADDING_MAX = 1024 def should_process(self, response): if not response.status_code in self.SUPPORTED_STATUSES: return False ct = response['content-type'] ct_prefix = ct.split('/')[0] + '/*' if not (ct_prefix in self.SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES or ct in self.SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES): return False return True def process_response(self, request, response): if self.should_process(response): return HttpResponse(response.content + ' ' * random.randint(0, self.EXTRA_PADDING_MAX), content_type=ct, status=response.status_code )