# # middleware # from django.conf import settings from django import http class VhostMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, req): ''' Pull HTTP header containing the vhost base path into the request object ''' vhost_header_name = getattr(settings, "VHOST_HEADER", "HTTP_X_BASE_PATH") base_path = req.META.get(vhost_header_name, "") ## eliminate trailing slash ## if base_path.endswith('/'): base_path = base_path[:-1] req.base_path = base_path return None def process_response(self, req, res): ''' Adjust redirects to include the base path ''' if res.status_code in (301,302) and not res["Location"].startswith(req.base_path) and res["Location"].startswith("/"): res["Location"] = "%s%s" % (req.base_path,res["Location"]) return res # # Context Processor # def VhostContextProcessor(request): ctx = {"base_path": ""} try: ctx["base_path"] = request.base_path except: pass return ctx