// to generate uuid function genUUID() { var uuid = "" for (var i=0; i < 32; i++) { uuid += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16); } return uuid; }; // to update progress info function updateProgressInfo() { var progress_url = "/upload/upload_progress/"; // ajax view serving progress info var uuid = $('#X-Progress-ID').val(); $.getJSON(progress_url, {'X-Progress-ID': uuid}, function(data, status){ if (data) { // uncomment to check in firebug //console.log("uploaded: " + data.uploaded); var progress = parseInt(data.uploaded) * 100 / parseInt(data.length); $("#upload-progress-bar").progressBar(progress); // trigger the next one after 1s $("#upload-progress-bar").oneTime(1000, function() { updateProgressInfo(); }); } }); }; // pre-submit callback function beforeSubmitHandler(formData, jqForm, options) { $("#upload-progress-bar").fadeIn(); $("#upload-progress-bar").progressBar({ boxImage: '{{ STATIC_URL }}img/progressbar/progressbar.gif', barImage: '{{ STATIC_URL }}img/progressbar/progressbg_orange.gif' }); // trigger the 1st one $("#upload-progress-bar").oneTime(1000, function(){ updateProgressInfo(); }); return true; }; // post-submit callback function successHandler(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) { // delay and redirect the page to somewhere else $("#upload-file-form").oneTime(1000, function() { {% url tracefiles-root as tracefiles_root_url %} window.location.replace("{{ tracefiles_root_url }}process/"); }); return true; }; // on page load $(function() { var uuid = genUUID(); // id for this upload so we can fetch progress info. // save the uuid with the element $('#X-Progress-ID').val(uuid); var options = { dataType: "xml", url: "/upload/?X-Progress-ID="+$('#X-Progress-ID').val(), beforeSubmit: beforeSubmitHandler, success: successHandler }; $("#upload-file-form").ajaxForm(options); }); // template code
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans 'Upload File' %}
{{ form.as_p }}