from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic def prefetch_relations(weak_queryset): """ Consider such a model class:: class Action(models.Model): actor_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,related_name='actor') actor_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() actor = generic.GenericForeignKey('actor_content_type','actor_object_id') And dataset:: Action(actor=user1).save() Action(actor=user2).save() This will hit the user table once for each action:: [ for a in Action.objects.all()] Whereas this will hit the user table once:: [ for a in prefetch_relations(Action.objects.all())] Actually, the example above will hit the database N+1 times, where N is the number of actions. But with prefetch_relations(), the database will be hit N+1 times where N is the number of distinct content types. Note that prefetch_relations() is recursive. Here an example, making a list with prefetch_relations(), and then without prefetch_relations(). See the number of database hits after each test. In [1]: from django import db; from prefetch_relations import prefetch_relations In [2]: db.reset_queries() In [3]: x = [(, a.action_object, for a in prefetch_relations(Action.objects.all().order_by('-pk'))] In [4]: print len(db.connection.queries) 34 In [5]: db.reset_queries() In [6]: print len(db.connection.queries) 0 In [7]: x = [(, a.action_object, for a in Action.objects.all().order_by('-pk')] In [8]: print len(db.connection.queries) 396 """ weak_queryset = weak_queryset.select_related() # reverse model's generic foreign keys into a dict: # { 'field_name': generic.GenericForeignKey instance, ... } gfks = {} for name, gfk in weak_queryset.model.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(gfk, generic.GenericForeignKey): continue gfks[name] = gfk data = {} for weak_model in weak_queryset: for gfk_name, gfk_field in gfks.items(): related_content_type_id = getattr(weak_model, gfk_field.model._meta.get_field_by_name(gfk_field.ct_field)[0].get_attname()) if not related_content_type_id: continue related_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(related_content_type_id) related_object_id = int(getattr(weak_model, gfk_field.fk_field)) if related_content_type not in data.keys(): data[related_content_type] = [] data[related_content_type].append(related_object_id) for content_type, object_ids in data.items(): model_class = content_type.model_class() models = prefetch_relations(model_class.objects.filter(pk__in=object_ids)) for model in models: for weak_model in weak_queryset: for gfk_name, gfk_field in gfks.items(): related_content_type_id = getattr(weak_model, gfk_field.model._meta.get_field_by_name(gfk_field.ct_field)[0].get_attname()) if not related_content_type_id: continue related_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(related_content_type_id) related_object_id = int(getattr(weak_model, gfk_field.fk_field)) if related_object_id != continue if related_content_type != content_type: continue setattr(weak_model, gfk_name, model) return weak_queryset