from __future__ import division import decimal from django.core import exceptions from django.db import models class ByteSplitterField(models.IntegerField): description = """ A field that stores multiple (positive) number values inside virtual 'subfields' of an IntegerField. These numbers can be integers or decimals with a defined precision of n binary digits, giving a precision of 2 ** (-n). Remember that you will NOT be able to select or filter by any of the subfields! You can also only save the whole bunch of fields, not single subfields to the db. Configure Field with keywords: - 'subfield_names' (default=['value']): iterable of names for your subfields. - 'subfield_lengths (default=[64])': iterable of length in bits for each of the fields - 'subfield_decimal_places' (default=[0, ..., 0]): decimal-precision for each of the fields, omit to set 0 for each field (=int-field) - 'round' (default=int): choose how to save floats: floor-round or - 'overflow' (default='error'): choose what happens with out-of-range-values: raise 'error', wrap value in case of 'overflow' or 'truncate' Usage example of a field that stores 3 numbers from [0, 8[ with precison 1, 0.5 and 0.25 and otherfield that stores a single value with 3 binary digits (precision 0.125): >>> class MyModel(models.Model): >>> multifield = ByteSplitterField(subfield_names=[0, 1, 'x'], subfield_lengths=[3, 4, 5], >>> subfield_decimal_places=[0, 1, 2], round=round) #will be represented as 'smallint' >>> otherfield = ByteSplitterField(subfield_lengths=13, subfield_decimal_places=3, >>> overflow='truncate') # single field that saves number 0, 0.125, ... 1023.875 >>> # set the fields on 'instance', which is an instance of MyModel() >>> instance.multifield = {0: 3, 1: 2.3, 'x': 6.78} #If you'd omit a subfield, it will be zero >>> instance.otherfield = 2000 # you shouldn't do that, because... >>> instance.otherfield # accessing the attribute again will return {'value': 250} >>> instance.otherfield['value'] = 2000 # this is the correct way >>> >>> # after you fetch it again from the db, you can access the fields >>> instance.multifield # will return {0: 3.0, 1: 2.5, 'x': 6.75} >>> # notice that key 1 would be 2.0 for round=int >>> instance.multifield[0] # will return 3 >>> instance.otherfield['value'] # will return 1023.875 because of truncation """ __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.subfield_names = kwargs.pop('subfield_names', ['value']) if not hasattr(self.subfield_names, '__iter__'): self.subfield_names = [self.subfield_names] self.subfield_lengths = kwargs.pop('subfield_lengths', 64) if not hasattr(self.subfield_lengths, '__iter__'): self.subfield_lengths = [self.subfield_lengths] for length in self.subfield_lengths: assert type(length) is int, "Please provide 'subfield_lengths': an iterable of type(int): %s" %self.subfield_lengths assert length >= 1, "Length of each subfield must be >= 1 bit, but is %d bits" %length self.subfield_decimal_places = kwargs.pop('subfield_decimal_places', None) if self.subfield_decimal_places is None: self.subfield_decimal_places = [0 for i in range(len(self.subfield_lengths))] if not hasattr(self.subfield_decimal_places, '__iter__'): self.subfield_decimal_places = [self.subfield_decimal_places] for dec in self.subfield_decimal_places: assert type(dec) is int, "'subfield_decimal_places' must be an iterable of type(int): %s" %self.subfield_decimal_places assert len(self.subfield_names) == len(self.subfield_lengths) == len(self.subfield_decimal_places),\ "'subfield_lengths' must have the same length as 'subfield_names' (and also 'subfield_decimal_places' if you pass this keyword)" self.n_bits = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, self.subfield_lengths) #required length in bits assert self.n_bits <= 64,\ "Sorry, but currently a maximum of 64 bit is supported (stored as 'bigint' on the db-backend), you requested a total of %d bits" %self.n_bits self.round = kwargs.pop('round', int) assert self.round in (int, round), "Please provide the built-in function or with the keyword 'round', not: %s" %self.round if self.round == round: self.round = lambda x: int(round(x)) self.overflow = kwargs.pop('overflow', 'error') assert self.overflow in ('error', 'overflow', 'trunc', 'truncate'),\ "'overflow' must be set to 'error', 'overflow' or 'truncate', not '%s'" % self.overflow super(ByteSplitterField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def db_type(self, connection): if self.n_bits <= 8 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.mysql': return "tinyint unsigned" elif self.n_bits <= 16: return connection.creation.data_types['PositiveSmallIntegerField'] elif self.n_bits <= 24 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.mysql': return "mediumint unsigned" elif self.n_bits <= 32: return connection.creation.data_types['PositiveIntegerField'] # since django doesn't know a PositiveBigIntegerField, the db-representation is made manually (only tested for MySQL!) elif self.n_bits <= 64 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.mysql': return "bigint unsigned" elif self.n_bits <= 64 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == '': return "NUMBER(19) CHECK (%(qn_column)s >= 0)" elif self.n_bits <= 64 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.postgresql': return 'bigint CHECK ("%(column)s" >= 0)' elif self.n_bits <= 64 and connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': return "bigint unsigned" def to_python(self, value): """ Returns a dict of {'subfield_name': subfield_value, ...} """ if value == None: return None #if the value is a string-representation, try to evaluate the string if type(value) in (str, unicode): try: value = eval(value) except: raise exceptions.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) #if value is a dict, check if it fits the model (i.e. contains all subfield_names and has values of correct type) if type(value) is dict: for k, v in value.items(): if k not in self.subfield_names: raise exceptions.ValidationError("This is not a valid subfield_name: '%s'" %k) if type(v) not in (int, float, decimal.Decimal): raise exceptions.ValidationError("subfield_name '%s' must be of type int, float or Decimal, but is %s" %(k, type(v))) return value #valid dict is directly returned #now the value must be convertable to int (comes from db or from python via model's __setattr__, #which is something that shouldn't be done (see field's description) but sadly can't be distinguished here) try: value = int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise exceptions.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) #standard-case: value is an int from db: process it result = {} for i in range(len(self.subfield_names) -1, -1, -1): #reverse range result[self.subfield_names[i]] = (value % (2 ** self.subfield_lengths[i])) / (2 ** self.subfield_decimal_places[i]) value >>= self.subfield_lengths[i] return result def get_prep_value(self, value): if type(value) <> dict: return None for k in value.keys(): if k not in self.subfield_names: raise exceptions.ValidationError("This subfield_name doesn't exist: %s. Choices are %s" % (k, value.keys())) result = 0 for i in range(len(self.subfield_names)): result <<= self.subfield_lengths[i] number = value.get(self.subfield_names[i], None) if number <> None: value_db = self.round(number * (2 ** self.subfield_decimal_places[i])) value_db_max = (2 ** self.subfield_lengths[i] - 1) if value_db > value_db_max or value_db < 0: if self.overflow == 'error': raise exceptions.ValidationError( "The value %(value)f for field '%(field)s' (rounded to %(value_round)f) is out of specified range: [0, %(range)f]" %{'value': value[self.subfield_names[i]], 'value_round': value_db / (2 ** self.subfield_decimal_places[i]), 'field': self.subfield_names[i], 'range': value_db_max / (2 ** self.subfield_decimal_places[i])}) elif self.overflow in ('truncate', 'trunc'): result += max(0, min(value_db_max, value_db)) elif self.overflow == 'overflow': value_db &= (2 ** self.subfield_lengths[i] - 1) result += value_db else: result += value_db return result