from django import template register = template.Library() def paginator(context, adjacent_pages=2): """ To be used in conjunction with the object_list generic view. Adds pagination context variables for use in displaying first, adjacent and last page links in addition to those created by the object_list generic view. """ page_numbers = [n for n in \ range(context['page'] - adjacent_pages, context['page'] + adjacent_pages + 1) \ if n > 0 and n <= context['pages']] return { 'hits': context['hits'], 'results_per_page': context['results_per_page'], 'page': context['page'], 'pages': context['pages'], 'page_numbers': page_numbers, 'next': context['next'], 'previous': context['previous'], 'has_next': context['has_next'], 'has_previous': context['has_previous'], 'show_first': 1 not in page_numbers, 'show_last': context['pages'] not in page_numbers, } register.inclusion_tag('paginator.html', takes_context=True)(paginator)