import re from django.db import models class SlugNotCorrectlyPrePopulated(Exception): pass def _string_to_slug(s): raw_data = s # normalze string as proposed on # by Aaron Bentley, 2006/01/02 try: import unicodedata raw_data = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', raw_data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')).encode('ascii', 'ignore') except: pass return re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9-]+', '_', raw_data.lower()).strip('_') # as proposed by Archatas ( def _get_unique_value(model, proposal, field_name="slug", instance_pk=None, separator="-"): """ Returns unique string by the proposed one. Optionally takes: * field name which can be 'slug', 'username', 'invoice_number', etc. * the primary key of the instance to which the string will be assigned. * separator which can be '-', '_', ' ', '', etc. By default, for proposal 'example' returns strings from the sequence: 'example', 'example-2', 'example-3', 'example-4', ... """ if instance_pk: similar_ones = model.objects.filter(**{field_name + "__startswith": proposal}).exclude(pk=instance_pk).values(field_name) else: similar_ones = model.objects.filter(**{field_name + "__startswith": proposal}).values(field_name) similar_ones = [elem[field_name] for elem in similar_ones] if proposal not in similar_ones: return proposal else: numbers = [] for value in similar_ones: match = re.match(r'^%s%s(\d+)$' % (proposal, separator), value) if match: numbers.append(int( if len(numbers)==0: return "%s%s2" % (proposal, separator) else: largest = sorted(numbers)[-1] return "%s%s%d" % (proposal, separator, largest + 1) def _get_fields_and_data(model): opts = model._meta slug_fields = [] for f in opts.fields: if isinstance(f, models.SlugField): if not f.prepopulate_from: raise SlugNotCorrectlyPrePopulated , "Slug for %s is not prepopulated" % prepop = [] for n in f.prepopulate_from: if not hasattr(model, n): raise SlugNotCorrectlyPrePopulated , "Slug for %s is to be prepopulated from %s, yet %s.%s does not exist" % ( , n , type(model), n) else: prepop.append(getattr(model, n)) slug_fields.append([f , "_".join(prepop)]) return slug_fields def slugify(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs): for slugs in _get_fields_and_data(instance): original_slug = _string_to_slug(slugs[1]) slug = original_slug ct = 0; try: # See if object is new # To prevent altering urls, don't update slug on existing objects sender.objects.get(pk=instance._get_pk_val()) except: slug = _get_unique_value(instance.__class__, slug, slugs[0].name, separator="_") setattr(instance, slugs[0].name, slug) # =========================== # To attach it to your model: # =========================== # # dispatcher.connect(_package_.slugify, signal=signals.pre_save, sender=_your_model_)