If you have a model instance you want to merge into another, it's handy to hand over all the relations into the model you want to merge into, so the deletion won't trigger cascading deletions from other tables.
You can pass an Iterable
of the same objects (a.k.a QuerySet
) to the model, and then process it with the new model's pk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 | from typing import Dict, Iterable, List
from django.db.models.base import Model
from django.db.models.fields import Field
from django.db.models.manager import Manager
ListOfField = List[Field]
class HandoverObjects(object):
Hand over `ForeignKey`s and `ManyToMany` relations on an `Iterable`
of `Model` instances.
The instances should come from the same `Model`!
def __init__(self, objs: Iterable[Model]):
self.objs = list(objs)
self.model = self.objs[0]._meta.model
self.old_pks = [x.pk for x in objs]
self.fields = [
x for x in self.model._meta.get_fields()
if x.is_relation and x.auto_created and not x.concrete]
def _invalidate_caches_on_relation(self, field_name: str):
"""Invalidate caches on a given relation."""
for obj in self.objs:
if not hasattr(obj, '_prefetched_objects_cache') or \
field_name not in obj._prefetched_objects_cache:
del obj._prefetched_objects_cache[field_name]
def _process_one_to_x(self):
Go through all `ForeignKey` relations and update them to point to
fk_fields = [x for x in self.fields if x.one_to_many or x.one_to_one]
for field in fk_fields:
manager = field.related_model.objects
foreign_field_idname = f'{field.field.name}_id'
**{f'{foreign_field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).update(
**{foreign_field_idname: self.new_pk})
# related_name = field.related_name or f'{field.name}_set'
# from pudb import set_trace
# set_trace()
# relation_manager = getattr(self.model, related_name)
# foreign_field_id_name = f'{field.field.name}_id'
# relation_manager.update(**{foreign_field_id_name: self.new_pk})
def _m2m_remove_existing_dups(
self, field_idname: str, other_field_idname: str,
manager: Manager):
Stage 1: Remove the old PKs from the field that already have a
relation with the new PK.
existing_other_ids = manager.filter(
**{field_idname: self.new_pk}).values_list(
other_field_idname, flat=True)
# delete() will trigger execution on existing_other_ids
f'{other_field_idname}__in': existing_other_ids,
f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).delete()
def _m2m_remove_remaining_dups(
self, field_idname: str, other_field_idname: str,
manager: Manager):
Stage 2: After deleting the first duplicates, remove the ones
that will cause a constraint error later. That is, different old
PKs that will be updated to the same new PK, causing the error.
to_update = manager.filter(**{f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks})
pks_to_remove = set()
rel_pks = dict() # Dict[int, bool]
for rel_obj in to_update: # type: Model
other_id = getattr(rel_obj, other_field_idname)
if rel_pks.get(other_id):
rel_pks[getattr(rel_obj, other_field_idname)] = True
if pks_to_remove:
def _m2m_merge_field(self, field: Field):
"""Merge a `ManyToMany` relation on a passed field."""
m2m_model = field.through
manager = m2m_model.objects
field_name = self.model._meta.model_name
field_idname = f'{field_name}_id'
other_field_name = [
x for x in m2m_model._meta.get_fields()
if x.many_to_one and x.name != field_name][0].name
other_field_idname = f'{other_field_name}_id'
# Delete the old IDs where others existing with new_pk
field_idname=field_idname, other_field_idname=other_field_idname,
# Look for duplicates on the remaining PKs and remove them
if len(self.objs) > 1:
# Only necessary when more than 1 objects` relations updated
other_field_idname=other_field_idname, manager=manager)
# Update any remaining to new_pk
manager.filter(**{f'{field_idname}__in': self.old_pks}).update(
**{field_idname: self.new_pk})
def _process_many_to_many(self):
"""Go through all `ManyToMany` relations and change them."""
fk_fields = [x for x in self.fields if x.many_to_many]
for field in fk_fields:
field_name = self.model._meta.model_name
def process(self, new_pk: int):
Go through all `ForeignKey` relations and update them to point to
self.new_pk = new_pk
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